As the seventh week of social isolation for our household rolls around and remote learning for our kids is in full swing, my head pokes up out of the fog enough to start wondering what I can do during this time to give back to my community but also keep my little business afloat.  

I decided for me that due to the nature of the sessions that I do and the hands on and close up nature of them, that I should not be shooting for now but I really look forward to getting back to it as soon as the COVID-19 restrictions have eased.  Therefore, I have come up with a few options that may be of interest for Families & Businesses alike.


When you book a Family or Business Branding Session between now and 31st May 2020 your purchase allows you to gift a session of the same type and value to a frontline essential worker of your choice or someone that has been financially impacted by COVID-19 or the Gippsland bushfires earlier this year. It may be to a health care worker who is selflessly sacrificing time with their family to look after others, a Supermarket worker that has been working long hours and putting up with disgruntled customers complaining about loo paper, a CFA volunteer who bravely fought the fires for weeks or months on end at the start of this year or a business that is struggling to survive and needs some strong brand photographs so they can hit the ground running with their marketing in the coming months. (Hint Hint: perhaps you and a friend are both in need of a pick me up and would like to go halvies? – definitely an option).


If you have been personally affected by COVID-19, are struggling financially yourself and would rather opt for a half price session, please do take this option. I get it and I know some things may be out of reach right now but it is still important to be able to document our beautiful families, capture our milestones and stay visible online to our customers or community.

I appreciate your honesty during this time and if you are lucky enough to not have your income or business affected, I will gratefully accept full session payment so that I too can look forward with the hope that my business will survive after this is all over.

Both options are available to all Family, Branding & Content and Head Shot Sessions which can be found on my website under Session Info. These sessions are only available for bookings between now and 31st May 2020 to which a small deposit will be paid and will take place when the regulations of physical social distancing have been lifted within six months of booking. Further terms and conditions will apply.

Please stay safe and I can’t wait to be back up capturing amazing families and inspiring businesses once it is safe for me to be back up and running.

Kellie xx