Here’s a little sneaky peek of a beautiful in-home family session I did in December. Some parents are anxious about how their children will go getting their family photos taken due to their age. You know – the “between 1-3 age when they don’t sit still or generally cooperate when you want them to” age. Absolutely 100 % normal kid behaviour for that age and even a little older sometimes. The beauty of in-home sessions with children at that age (or any age for that matter!) is that we get to be in the comfort of your own home. The kids can show me their bedrooms, read their favourite stories and just be at one with their family in their own environment. It is literally the best.
This is why I insist on all my clients taking me to somewhere that means something to them as a family. It could be in their home or another location that the children are familiar with. It really does make all the difference. Now the kids may still not sit still or follow prompts but who cares – we go with what ever and let them guide the session. That’s the beauty of lifestyle photography also. We are not there to capture everyone posed and smiling for the camera – we are there to capture the love & connection between each member of the family in a natural and organic way.
You can see how fabulous that turned out for us here with the Hammill family. Ada and Ari were pure joy because well who doesn’t want to read a book with mum, snuggle with dad and jump on the tramp!!