I’ve gone from last week dreaming of Spring to now thinking of Summer. Maybe it is the cold snap that has me dreaming of Summer holidays. Maybe it is the fact that last year we escaped the Winter for Bali and this year we haven’t. It is crazy how fast this year is going. It is my birthday next week and I find that usually once my birthday has come and gone, it is Christmas in no time. We are making plans for the rest of the year and the year is filling up fast. I look forward to at the end of a busy period, heading back to Lakes Entrance again and being still…..well as still as one can be with kids on ones heels. Can’t wait. Here is a snap from our last Summer holidays there.
Shooting With Soul 52 Project – Week 30: Silhouette
by Kellie Robinson | 27 Jul, 2015 | Children, Families, Personal, Shooting with Soul 52 Project | 0 comments