I consider myself one of the luckiest gals around to still have a group of friends that have been around since school.  We’ve come from a few different ages, slapped in a few sisters and cousins and family friends and some besties since grade prep and morphed into a very tight knit group of 7.  We are living across 2 States and therefore our time together is few and far between but this past weekend 5 of us out of the 7 managed to get over to Tassie to visit my oldest friend Shell and her beautiful little family who has just moved there.


The weekend consisted of a festival, a fun 4th birthday party, a little guy who stole all our hearts (my godson – how lucky am I?), a winery tour, many mouth watering meals, a fair bit of delish wine, a hike through a gorge, exploring a new city and so many laughs that I came home with sore abs.


Nothing in this world can compare with the love that I feel for these girls in friendship.  We have been through a lot together and will continue to be there for one another til the end of time.  Thank you Shell and Louie for your amazing hospitality – the weekend could only have been better by adding our missing 2 comrades (although they did pop up from time to time at each destination).


My Valentines this year.  Friends for Life.


Please excuse some of the Iphone pics in this little film I have made – they are not great quality but they tell the story of the weekend.  Click on HD to watch in Vimeo for best quality.




For other submissions to this project, feel free to check out below:


Vicky Palmieri – Vicky Palmieri Photography


Amy Rushbrook – Lark + Bear Photography


Sheree McCready – Super Love Photography


Kate Bailey – Kate Bailey Photography


Kylie Fergusson – Firefly Images


Lesley Condon – Lesley Dodd Photography


Kellie Robinson – Colour of Life Photography


Nicole Proy – Mockingbird Photography


Kylie Dunlop – Kylie Dunlop Photography


Isabel Bowden – Isabel Bowden Photography


Sarah Ransley – November May Photography


Natalie Ireland – Natalie Ireland Photography


Lyn Wilkinson – Lynette Wilkinson Photography


Tania Boyd – Tania Boyd Photography


Jerusha Sutton – Jerusha Sutton Photography


Anna Todd – Anna Todd Photography


Courtney Holmes – Courtney Holmes Photography
